Our society burgeons with images of idealistic beauty and what classifies a perfect body. It’s so pervasive that it creates an unspoken split between those who are “beautiful” versus those who are not. In all honesty, no one can live up to these extraordinary and unrealistic expectations.
But, these beliefs are so stark in the mindset of the general populace that they actually begin to individually affect us at too young of an age; boys and girls alike. It prevents everyone from seeing how beautiful they actually are and having a positive body image. This can get so bad that it becomes a delusion of who’s deserving of a good life versus those who are not.
(Don’t worry, you don’t need to use all 39).
These are some examples of affirmations for a positive body image but I always suggest picking and choosing the affirmations that suit you best at this moment. I would select no more than 10 and, if you need some guidance, you can download the affirmation workbook and follow the 7-day blueprint for making your affirmations even more potent.
What Are Body Positive Affirmations?
Body positive affirmations are statements you say to yourself each and every day. When you’re able to infuse the words into your being, they help to boost self-esteem, bring about a healthier attitude toward your physique and give you the impetus to find strength from within.
When we love ourselves, it shows in our attitude and the way we appear. They allow us to release negative self-talk and eliminate limiting beliefs. Saying these, and believing the words, helps to build a framework for positive thinking.
19 Dream Body Affirmations
Try any one of these positive affirmations for body image to help give your attitude a boost.
- I am the picture of wholeness, completeness and perfection.
- My body is a temple, I treat it with love, dignity and respect.
- My body is my own vision of perfection.
- I am fine. I am beautiful. I am me. I love myself.
- I refuse to destroy myself by comparing myself to others.
- I age like a ripe, fine wine.
- I let go of the need to be like anyone else and embrace my uniqueness and special gifts.
- I refuse to reject myself by looking to others to dictate my appearance and behavior.
- ALL magazine images have fake, airbrushed, distorted and photoshopped models.
- I am in control of my choices.
- I have all the solutions I need to have the best body I can.
- My body is only a vessel for my divine purpose.
- I give thanks for my Thighs, they give me support.
- I give thanks for my Belly, it helps me digest.
- I give thanks for my Skin, it shields and protects me.
- My nose is beautiful.
- My body matters to me.
- I release and let go of body shame.
- I promise to treat my body with kindness.
20 Morning Positive Body Affirmations
Saying positive affirmations in the morning can be a great start to your day. It sets you up to experience what’s good in life, inside and outside of yourself.
- I trust the innate wisdom of my body.
- I choose my own life and the course I wish to take.
- I will only accept positive self-talk, I am done with negative self-talk.
- I am a delightful, compassionate and warm person.
- As I grow and evolve, so does my love for myself.
- When others are disrespectful and rude, it is a reflection of how they feel about themselves.
- Putting others down doesn’t elevate me.
- I choose to be a good and forthright individual.
- The world is a better place because I’m part of it.
- I refuse to give others permission to make me feel bad about myself.
- There is a guide within me who is wise and all-knowing.
- Sometimes procrastination just feels right.
- I’m not a human doing but I am a human being.
- My life is what I will into existence.
- I am pretty and my body weight is right on point.
- Not everyone has to like me.
- Only I know what’s best for me.
- Everyone deserves respect and love, this includes me.
- I love myself and my body.
- I release the need to have a negative body image.
20 Positive Affirmations for Body Dysmorphia
When we have issues with our bodies, food or even aging, for some people, it creates a serious disconnect from perceptions of reality. Saying positive affirmations helps conquer things like eating disorders and removes negative body issues.
- Life means so much more than losing weight.
- Bodyweight is arbitrary and shallow, what’s important is how I feel.
- Every line, wrinkle and mark that appears as I age are like a tiger earning its stripes.
- Being skinny or fat doesn’t determine who I am.
- Life is too short to obsess over the appearance of my body.
- The only opinion about me that matters is my own.
- Food is healing, nurturing and nourishing.
- I am not my eating disorder and this eating disorder is not me.
- Food is fuel, not a hobby.
- Only I can take care of myself.
- Eating is for energy and nourishment.
- Being kind to myself and others is what makes me a deserving person.
- Any size can be healthy.
- Magazines and media don’t determine my appearance.
- Beauty is in the eye of the person holding it.
- I will make peace with my body.
- I fully accept who I am.
- Scale numbers are irrelevant.
- I love taking care of myself and it doesn’t mean I’m selfish.
- I don’t deserve punishment from myself or others.
Can Affirmations Change Your Body?
Body positivity affirmations can change your body when done properly by altering your natural response to yourself. But, the phrases alone won’t magically transform you overnight. It’s about how you feel about yourself that will change your body.
When you feel good about yourself, it will come through regardless of your size. You will project sound mental health while developing positive self-talk. If you feel bad about your body, that will also come through and it doesn’t necessarily have to include your weight or shape.
Repetition with concerted effort will be the key to changing your body with daily positive affirmations. So, select a few from this list or create your own and write them down on a piece of paper. They should reflect what you want to manifest.
If you find an affirmation that speaks to you, save the image and use it as a background or, better yet, print it out and use it as part of a manifestation practice. You might also wish to share the card with someone who might need to hear the message.
I’m a huge believer in the power of affirmations. Even taking a few minutes out of your day could empower you endlessly, however you wish to use them.