One of the most magical times in a woman’s life is pregnancy. It’s full of expectation with the promise of the new life soon to come. It’s the continuation of humanity and perpetuation of your family. The anticipation can fill you with so much love and worry at the time same. There’s a lot to think about, plan and consider and it can be overwhelming for expectant parents.
Employing the use of powerful birth affirmations for labor and delivery can help overcome the challenges. They can provide strength from deep within to remain calm, focused and relaxed during the labor experience.
(You don’t need to use all 65).
These are some examples of affirmations you can use before or during the birth but I always suggest picking and choosing the affirmations that suit you best at this moment. I would select no more than 10 and, if you need some guidance, you can download the affirmation workbook and follow the 7-day blueprint for making your affirmations even more potent.
15 Positive Affirmations for Birth
This small list of birth affirmations below are a short and easy way to instill positive self-talk.
- I have a body that is healthy and strong.
- Love encompasses my life at each moment.
- I will have an enjoyable and safe birthing experience.
- The power to create life is a special gift.
- I will become an amazing mother.
- I will have a smooth and easy birth.
- I breathe deeply to eliminate tension.
- My baby is safe in my womb.
- I am happy knowing my baby is coming.
- My baby is healthy and it will be beautiful.
- Motherhood is the definition of feminine power.
- I am surrounded by supportive and caring people.
- I trust my delivery staff.
- Birth is a wonderful and miraculous journey.
- I choose trust and instinct.
25 Strong Birth Affirmations
Let the childbirth affirmations below fuel your inner feeling of power. Test these out to see if any of them put you in the right frame of mind.
- My baby and body will let me know when it’s time.
- I tap into the powerful, beautiful woman I am.
- I am not afraid.
- My body is strong and capable.
- I am open to anything during my birth experience.
- I trust in the power and accuracy of my intuition.
- My body has an innate wisdom and will know what to do.
- I am grateful for my delivery team and their wisdom.
- I welcome my baby with love.
- I accept however this baby comes into the world.
- Doubt and fear are far from my mind.
- My child is on their way.
- I slowly breathe in strength and quickly exhale pain.
- As I get closer to birth, I am filled with excitement.
- I allow the experience to unfold as it must.
- I am strong with my baby.
- I am proud of my baby and myself, no matter what.
- I am calm and confident; I can do this.
- My breath is my strength, keeping me calm and steady.
- Birth is wonderful and I am grateful to become a mother.
- I can breathe through this contraction.
- Keep breathing. Slow and even. Inhale peace. Exhale fear.
- The strength of my contractions is a beautiful sign the baby is near.
- I breathe in relaxation. I breathe out tension.
- My precious child comes closer with every contraction.
25 Birth Affirmations for Dads
This list of birth affirmations is for the dads. These are simple average statements that allow men to become part of this beautiful and natural process.
- My family is safer because I am present and part of this process.
- The love in my family deepens because I am here for them.
- I release all doubt, worry and fear.
- Mother and child are beautiful and safe.
- Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I let it go.
- I want the mother of my child to lean on me.
- I can’t wait to meet my child.
- I can handle whatever happens.
- I intuitively know exactly what to do and trust my instincts.
- I am going to become the best father I can be.
- My partner recognizes, respects and is grateful for my efforts.
- My new family is precious to me.
- I promise to keep my promises.
- I have so much to bring to a child and am grateful for this chance.
- I will protect and watch over my family.
- I am one with my partner and she is one with me.
- I will provide, protect and care for my family.
- I am ready to be a father and this is a happy time for me.
- This child will bring more love and joy into my life.
- Challenges are only opportunities to grow my strengths.
- My partner and I experience this birth together.
- I will care for my partner and myself.
- I value my child and my partner.
- This is my child and I am proud to be a father.
- This baby is a beautiful gift and this will be an amazing birth.
How to Use Affirmations in Birthing
Before your labor experience arrives, select a handful of these positive birth affirmations that feel right to you. Write them down or memorize them. The minute you know the contractions of labor are here for the duration, begin saying them while you breathe.
When to Say Them
You can iterate these affirmations aloud or echo them in your head, whatever is most comfortable for you and whatever feels right to do. When you do say them while the baby is coming, allow the statements to keep you centered, grounded and calm. Let your subconscious mind come forward as your new bundle of joy becomes part of humanity.
How Affirmations Can Help
Saying positive affirmations will help reduce pain during birth because it gives you something else to concentrate on. If you don’t like the way this list of birth affirmations sounds for you and your situation, you can always come up with your own.
Dad’s Role During Childbirth
Dads can always use a little boost with affirmations as well. When the big day comes and nervousness washes over, repeating it often can help bring calm. The most important thing about your job during this process is to be a rock for your partner. These birthing affirmations can help more than you may think.
If you find an affirmation that speaks to you, save the image and use it as a background or, better yet, print it out and use it as part of a manifestation practice. You might also wish to share the card with someone who might need to hear the message.
I’m a huge believer in the power of affirmations. Even taking a few minutes out of your day could empower you endlessly, however you wish to use them.